External Seal Pumps
(Topline C-100): Pump style used for wort, water, and cider transfers. Also used for tank CIP. Although the seal used is a high temperature type, transferring wort above 120F will require frequent seal cleaning (to avoid leaks) and accelerated seal wear and tear. High temperature water transfers and CIP do not cause seal issues (easily handles boiling water temperatures).
Internal Seal Pumps
(Ampco CB+114): Pump style used for high and low temperature wort, water, and cider transfers. Also used for tank CIP. The internal seal pump is designed for high temperature wort pumping (Wort vorlauf, whirl pooling, and wort transfers through a heat exchanger) without excessive wear and tear on the seal.
Recommended Sizing
Wort Transfer:
1/2 HP - 3/4 HP (up to 7 BBL)
1 HP - 1.5 HP (up to 20 BBL)
Note: For transferring through a plate heat exchanger on systems larger than 2bbl, 3500RPM motors are required. These are only available when a VSD is connected or on 1HP pumps.
1/2HP to 3/4HP up to 7bbl (cart pumps with a variable speed drive)
1HP up to 7bbl (stand alone single speed pump)
1HP - 1.5HP up to 30bbl tanks (cart pumps with a variable speed drive)
Note: Stand alone pumps without a variable speed drive are not recommended for pumps above 1HP
For flow rates, see the pump curves at the bottom of the page.
Peristaltic Pumps
Peristaltic pumps are positive displacement pumps, ideal for transfer of more viscous and semi-solid liquids. Use for transfer of yeast slurry, tea, kombucha, and coffee. Ideal for racking out of a barrel, transfer of fruit puree or grapes, and for gentle transfer where sheer force can negatively affect the product (wine.) When used in tandem to sparge from HLT and lauter to kettle, they provide a balanced inlet and outlet flow rates to maintain grain bed.
Select from three sizes, rack or cart mounted.
Before choosing a centrifugal pump it is important to consider the end use for the pump. Brewmation assembles pumps using two different style pump heads. One style has an external seal (Topline head) and the other has an internal seal (Ampco head). For more information, visit out
Pumps page.